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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Easter Games & Activities

Classroom Games & Activities:

Bunny Hopping Exercises: have Ss hop to your commands (like an Easter Bunny): Hop slowly, hop quickly, big hops, small hops, turn around hops, hop on left / right foot, hop forward / backwards / sideways, close your eyes and hop, flap your arms and hop, etc. This is a great activity to do after making 'Bunny Ears'.

Chocolate Egg Bowling: roll a ball across the classroom. Ss take turns to roll their eggs to get closest to the ball.

Duck Walk Race: have the kids line up at the Start Line, squat down and grasp their ankles with each hand from behind. On GO, they waddle to a designated Finish Line. They can't let go of their ankles or they are disqualified. The first child over the Finish Line wins a prize.

Easter Egg Blow: use real hollow egg shells (before class get some eggs, puncture a hole at both ends and blow out the insides of the egg, then wash out). Use a straw to blow the eggs across the classroom. First person across is the winner!

Easter Egg Decoration: use real egg shells (before class get some eggs, puncture a hole at both ends and blow out the insides of the egg, then wash out). Use colored felt pens, glue and glitter, stickers and anything else to decorate the eggs. You can use these eggs in the ‘Easter Egg Blow’ game.

Easter Egg Emotions: use real egg shells (before class get some eggs, puncture a hole at both ends and blow out the insides of the egg, then wash out). Use felt pens to draw faces in different emotions (happy, sad, angry, sleepy, etc).

Easter Egg Faces: review face vocab (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, eyebrows, cheeks, chin, etc.). Use real egg shells (before class get some eggs, puncture a hole at both ends and blow out the insides of the egg, then wash out). Do as a listening activity – T says “draw a nose” and children draw a nose, and so on. Also good for adjectives – “Draw a long nose”, “draw big eyes”, etc.

Easter Egg Hunt: hide small chocolate eggs around your classroom / school / the park and send your Ss off to find them. Teach them expressions like “I’ve found one!”, “Where are the eggs?”, etc

Fair-For-All Easter Egg Hunt: this stops some kids getting all the eggs and other getting none. Simply, write each Ss names on some eggs. The Ss will have to recognize their own names.

Easter Egg Roll: Ss use a chocolate Easter egg (small) and a straw to roll the egg across the classroom. First person across is the winner!

Egg & Spoon Races: it's up to you whether you use real, uncooked eggs! Teams relay race with eggs on spoons across the classroom.

Nosey Easter Egg Roll: Ss roll the eggs using only their noses. The first one over the finish line wins.

Pin The Tail On The Bunny: create the bunny and have blindfolded Ss pin the cotton ball tail onto the bunny.

Rabbit Masks: all you need is paper plates, pink or black paper (a small quantity for the nose and ears), cardboard and cotton balls or another soft material. First cut out oval shapes from the cardboard - this will become your bunny's ears. Next, cut out the nose from the colored paper. You can also cut triangles of pink paper to make the inside of the bunny's ear. Cut two holes in the paper plate for eyes. Then paste on the ears, eyes and nose. Paste cotton balls all over the face to make the bunny look soft. There you have a bunny mask