Sunday, October 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
think about this
1. Is your room ready?
You should have up a few things on bulletin boards, but save lots of space for student work to be added the first day or two, to personalize the room.
2. Do you have nametags for the students and for their desks?
Be sure to have extras, because some kids on your list probably won't show up, and you'll get new students enrolling for the first week or two.
3. Do you have soft music to play in the background?
4. Do you have a sign-in sheet for the parents who come with their children the first day, where they can leave you personal notes if they don't have time to talk?
5. Do you have a paper for parents to indicate how their child gets home from school?
This is *very* important, because the first week is very hectic and you have to be sure kids go where they're supposed to go. Few things in life are as scary as "losing" someone's child, especially before you've even matched faces to all the names.
6. Do you have some games, puzzles, books and magazines, math manipulatives, etc., out and ready for the students to use as they arrive in class?
You'll need these ready so that you're free to talk with parents and handle paperwork.
7. Do you have a Beary Good Work folder made up for each child?
This folder will have coloring pages, games, mazes, blank writing paper, and other fun learning activities to use during quiet times the first week or two of school. Mine is about 20 pages long, run on the ditto machine to save my copies for later in the year. Make 5 extra folders, and don't put names on any of them until a child begins using them.
8. Do you have stickers, Skittles or M&M's, or some other form of reward to give out several times each day for the first week or two?
Reinforcing good behavior is extremely important. Decide what your reward system will be and be generous with it while getting classroom routines established.
9. Do you have a project or two for your students to complete and take home the first day?
10. Have you selected what stories and poems you will read? Do you have follow up activities ready to go?
11. Do you have a packet of materials to send home about yourself, your rules and expectations, and your classroom routine and schedule? I'll be adding my first day packet to the website sometime soon.
12. Do you have the following items on your desk? * a picture of your family or pets * a daily inspiritional calendar of some sort * notepaper, pens, and pencils * hall passes, if your school uses them * referral forms, if your school uses them * a jar of colored markers * your reward/candy/sticker jar
OK, that's quite a bit already :o) Here are a few more things to think about before the first day of school.
1. How and where do your students spend their time before school? If they come directly to the classroom, what activities/procedures will you use until the bell rings and it's time for class to begin?
2. What will you use as your signal to get the children's attention? Flashing the lights, ringing a bell, singing a song, raising your hand and expecting them to do the same, etc.?
3. How will you choose a student helper the first day of school, to do things like lead the flag salute, take the attendance and lunch count folders to the office, help pass out papers, etc.?
4. What is your policy about excusing children to go to the restroom during instructional time? (5 and 6 year olds *all* need to go to the bathroom as soon as you let the first child leave, so be sure you've decided how to handle this :)
5. What activities have you chosen for the first week of school, when teachers are often busy with tons of paperwork and are frequently interrupted by the arrival of new students, parents, and notes/phone calls from the office?
8. What type of behavior reinforcement/positive discipline plan are you going to use? You will probably need a pocket chart to keep track of color changes if you are going to use that type of system (I use a calendar pocket chart with 4 colors of apples).
9. What other class rules and procedures are you going to have? Be sure to have them in writing before the first day of school, and spend time the first day explaining them to your students. Realistically, you'll have to go over class rules and procedures every day for at least a week, to help your students learn your expectations.
10. What type of letter will you send home with students the first day of school? Your letter should introduce you, tell them a bit about you and your goals for the year, and explain your rules, procedures, and behavior management plan.
You should have up a few things on bulletin boards, but save lots of space for student work to be added the first day or two, to personalize the room.
2. Do you have nametags for the students and for their desks?
Be sure to have extras, because some kids on your list probably won't show up, and you'll get new students enrolling for the first week or two.
3. Do you have soft music to play in the background?
4. Do you have a sign-in sheet for the parents who come with their children the first day, where they can leave you personal notes if they don't have time to talk?
5. Do you have a paper for parents to indicate how their child gets home from school?
This is *very* important, because the first week is very hectic and you have to be sure kids go where they're supposed to go. Few things in life are as scary as "losing" someone's child, especially before you've even matched faces to all the names.
6. Do you have some games, puzzles, books and magazines, math manipulatives, etc., out and ready for the students to use as they arrive in class?
You'll need these ready so that you're free to talk with parents and handle paperwork.
7. Do you have a Beary Good Work folder made up for each child?
This folder will have coloring pages, games, mazes, blank writing paper, and other fun learning activities to use during quiet times the first week or two of school. Mine is about 20 pages long, run on the ditto machine to save my copies for later in the year. Make 5 extra folders, and don't put names on any of them until a child begins using them.
8. Do you have stickers, Skittles or M&M's, or some other form of reward to give out several times each day for the first week or two?
Reinforcing good behavior is extremely important. Decide what your reward system will be and be generous with it while getting classroom routines established.
9. Do you have a project or two for your students to complete and take home the first day?
10. Have you selected what stories and poems you will read? Do you have follow up activities ready to go?
11. Do you have a packet of materials to send home about yourself, your rules and expectations, and your classroom routine and schedule? I'll be adding my first day packet to the website sometime soon.
12. Do you have the following items on your desk? * a picture of your family or pets * a daily inspiritional calendar of some sort * notepaper, pens, and pencils * hall passes, if your school uses them * referral forms, if your school uses them * a jar of colored markers * your reward/candy/sticker jar
OK, that's quite a bit already :o) Here are a few more things to think about before the first day of school.
1. How and where do your students spend their time before school? If they come directly to the classroom, what activities/procedures will you use until the bell rings and it's time for class to begin?
2. What will you use as your signal to get the children's attention? Flashing the lights, ringing a bell, singing a song, raising your hand and expecting them to do the same, etc.?
3. How will you choose a student helper the first day of school, to do things like lead the flag salute, take the attendance and lunch count folders to the office, help pass out papers, etc.?
4. What is your policy about excusing children to go to the restroom during instructional time? (5 and 6 year olds *all* need to go to the bathroom as soon as you let the first child leave, so be sure you've decided how to handle this :)
5. What activities have you chosen for the first week of school, when teachers are often busy with tons of paperwork and are frequently interrupted by the arrival of new students, parents, and notes/phone calls from the office?
8. What type of behavior reinforcement/positive discipline plan are you going to use? You will probably need a pocket chart to keep track of color changes if you are going to use that type of system (I use a calendar pocket chart with 4 colors of apples).
9. What other class rules and procedures are you going to have? Be sure to have them in writing before the first day of school, and spend time the first day explaining them to your students. Realistically, you'll have to go over class rules and procedures every day for at least a week, to help your students learn your expectations.
10. What type of letter will you send home with students the first day of school? Your letter should introduce you, tell them a bit about you and your goals for the year, and explain your rules, procedures, and behavior management plan.
hints for the first day
The following is a list of ways that I feel you can help students feel
comfortable on the first day and throughout the year.
1) Let students know that you are a "real" person. Tell
them about yourself through pictures and stories.
2) If you want students to know that you care about them show them
by greeting them at the door, use eye contact when speaking with
them, show compassion and always be honest.
3) Establish procedures in the beginning. Let them know what is
expected of them. Do not make a list of rules telling them what
they can't do. Instead make a student created list of what is
expected. For instance, do not say
"Don't run in the hall,"
"Walk calmly and quietly in the hall."
Review the procedures often at the beginning of the year and
as needed later.
Most of all be consistant.
4) Create an atmosphere in the classroom that makes the students feel
comfortable. The colors blue, green and purple are most calming.
Natural lighting and plants are also good ideas for a comfortable classroom.
TEACHER'S NOTE: This point hit home when the instuctor at the seminar I attended asked us to think about the places we go to feel relaxed and what colors were there. Try it.
5) Be realistic in your expectations. Don't expect the students to do
more than they are capable of, this causes anxiety. At the same
time don't make things so easy that they become bored.
6) Make an effort to create a community in your classroom. Use
activities that help the class get to know each other as well as developing a sense of trust.
Remember to continue doing these activities throughout the school
year, not just the first few days.
TEACHER'S NOTE: The book Tribes by Jeanne Gibbs is loaded with
activities that promote these things in the classroom.
7) Teach to all learning styles beginning on day one. Remember
that all students do not learn the same way. Give choices whenever
8) Learn the students names quickly and use their names when talking
to them.
comfortable on the first day and throughout the year.
1) Let students know that you are a "real" person. Tell
them about yourself through pictures and stories.
2) If you want students to know that you care about them show them
by greeting them at the door, use eye contact when speaking with
them, show compassion and always be honest.
3) Establish procedures in the beginning. Let them know what is
expected of them. Do not make a list of rules telling them what
they can't do. Instead make a student created list of what is
expected. For instance, do not say
"Don't run in the hall,"
"Walk calmly and quietly in the hall."
Review the procedures often at the beginning of the year and
as needed later.
Most of all be consistant.
4) Create an atmosphere in the classroom that makes the students feel
comfortable. The colors blue, green and purple are most calming.
Natural lighting and plants are also good ideas for a comfortable classroom.
TEACHER'S NOTE: This point hit home when the instuctor at the seminar I attended asked us to think about the places we go to feel relaxed and what colors were there. Try it.
5) Be realistic in your expectations. Don't expect the students to do
more than they are capable of, this causes anxiety. At the same
time don't make things so easy that they become bored.
6) Make an effort to create a community in your classroom. Use
activities that help the class get to know each other as well as developing a sense of trust.
Remember to continue doing these activities throughout the school
year, not just the first few days.
TEACHER'S NOTE: The book Tribes by Jeanne Gibbs is loaded with
activities that promote these things in the classroom.
7) Teach to all learning styles beginning on day one. Remember
that all students do not learn the same way. Give choices whenever
8) Learn the students names quickly and use their names when talking
to them.
ideas for the first days
Silly Name Game
On the first day, I gather the children in a circle. We go around the circle and have each child pick a word to go with his or her name (either rhyming or beginning with the same letter as the name). Each child must say his or her name and repeat the names that came before ("I am Marshmallow Megan and that was Willowy Wendy and Soccer Sally and Jumping Jimmy..."). It's a fun way to get to know one another and learn everybody's names.
Class-Created Puzzles
Using a large piece of tagboard, I draw as many puzzle pieces as I have students, plus one for myself. I number them on the back and cut them out. I have students decorate their pieces with their names, pictures, and words. We share these as a group and then reassemble the puzzle on a bulletin board to symbolize the importance of each individual's contribution to the class as a whole.
Time capsule activity
1) Give each student an empty Pringles can to decorate as a "Time
2) Each child will fill out a short interest inventory:
a handwriting sample, a tracing of their hand,
a self-portrait, and a few other things.
(You can get creative here -- make the task fit your
grade level)
3) They will place their sheets into their time capsule and have a
little ceremony to put them away until the end of the year.
(I'm planning to cheat and open the time capsules that night
in order to learn a little more about each student's interests
and abilities)
4) At the end of the year have the kids complete the same sheets
and then open their time capsule to compare how they have changed
during the school year.
"All About Me" activity
1) Hand out an 8.5" X 14" piece of paper (let the kids choose a colour)
2) Ask them to write their name in large colourful letters (fancy, bubble, etc.) in the middle of the page. TEACHER'S NOTE: I do a sample on the board while they are working on paper.
3) In the top left corner, have students finish the sentence "My family......".
4) In the top right corner, have students finish the sentence "My favourite thing to do is....". 5) In the bottom left corner, have students finish the sentence "I really don't like....".
6) In the bottom right corner, have students finish the sentence "Other people find me....". 7) In the top middle, have students finish the sentence "One day I'd love to.....".
8) In the bottom middle, have students finish the sentenceand "I'd love to meet....". TEACHER'S NOTE: We do these one by one, and it takes quite a while for everyone to finish. When finished: a) explain that they are going to stand up, hold their paper in from of them facing out b) quietly walk around and read other people's papers.
TEACHER'S NOTE: No talking is involved. This takes about 5 minutes, then I have the kids sit down. One by one I go around the room and introduce each child to the class and ask "Who can tell me something interesting about this person?". Hands fly up as kids are eager to prove that they read what was on the student's paper. I collect these papers after the exercise and post them in the room - kids enjoy reading them in the weeks to come and parents enjoy them on the Meet the Teacher night.
HANDS in class decorations
Just wanted to share's easy and quick...of course, you can make it as detailed as you want, too. It's definitely NOT my idea---I think it was in a Bulletin Board book years ago...For a Welcome Board (or anyplace in your classroom for that matter)"Meet our HANDSome Class" Most Ellison Press collections have a handprint... OR have the kiddos trace their own hand on different colored construction paper and write their name on the hand. You could put their picture on the hand, too
First Day Bulletin Board
It works really well for your opening bulletin board to have your kids names on a tree with apples or fall leaves with their names. You could add photos you take on the first day. I have a rocket ship with a few astronauts (for me an my assistant) and shooting stars for their names. I found it at the Teachers store on sale. I also like using the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree, with the letters of their first name and their photo. We do CCBB the first week. I've also used leaping frogs ("Welcome to our Pad") and scoops of ice cream ("A New Scoop of Grade Ones") on brown paper cones.
Would a rainbow work? Crayons? Balloons? ("Up Up and Away") Colored handprints? Drawings of yellow pencils ("One Sharp Bunch") with their names on? School busses, bugs, dinosaurs (A Roaring...
Open House - "Treasure Hunt"
Give the kids a list of things to show their parents in the room (class pet, their desk, etc...). The last thing on there is for them to find the treasure chest and it has a goody bag for each child (a few small things in it - piece of candy, pencil, eraser, homework pass, etc...).
On the first day, I gather the children in a circle. We go around the circle and have each child pick a word to go with his or her name (either rhyming or beginning with the same letter as the name). Each child must say his or her name and repeat the names that came before ("I am Marshmallow Megan and that was Willowy Wendy and Soccer Sally and Jumping Jimmy..."). It's a fun way to get to know one another and learn everybody's names.
Class-Created Puzzles
Using a large piece of tagboard, I draw as many puzzle pieces as I have students, plus one for myself. I number them on the back and cut them out. I have students decorate their pieces with their names, pictures, and words. We share these as a group and then reassemble the puzzle on a bulletin board to symbolize the importance of each individual's contribution to the class as a whole.
Time capsule activity
1) Give each student an empty Pringles can to decorate as a "Time
2) Each child will fill out a short interest inventory:
a handwriting sample, a tracing of their hand,
a self-portrait, and a few other things.
(You can get creative here -- make the task fit your
grade level)
3) They will place their sheets into their time capsule and have a
little ceremony to put them away until the end of the year.
(I'm planning to cheat and open the time capsules that night
in order to learn a little more about each student's interests
and abilities)
4) At the end of the year have the kids complete the same sheets
and then open their time capsule to compare how they have changed
during the school year.
"All About Me" activity
1) Hand out an 8.5" X 14" piece of paper (let the kids choose a colour)
2) Ask them to write their name in large colourful letters (fancy, bubble, etc.) in the middle of the page. TEACHER'S NOTE: I do a sample on the board while they are working on paper.
3) In the top left corner, have students finish the sentence "My family......".
4) In the top right corner, have students finish the sentence "My favourite thing to do is....". 5) In the bottom left corner, have students finish the sentence "I really don't like....".
6) In the bottom right corner, have students finish the sentence "Other people find me....". 7) In the top middle, have students finish the sentence "One day I'd love to.....".
8) In the bottom middle, have students finish the sentenceand "I'd love to meet....". TEACHER'S NOTE: We do these one by one, and it takes quite a while for everyone to finish. When finished: a) explain that they are going to stand up, hold their paper in from of them facing out b) quietly walk around and read other people's papers.
TEACHER'S NOTE: No talking is involved. This takes about 5 minutes, then I have the kids sit down. One by one I go around the room and introduce each child to the class and ask "Who can tell me something interesting about this person?". Hands fly up as kids are eager to prove that they read what was on the student's paper. I collect these papers after the exercise and post them in the room - kids enjoy reading them in the weeks to come and parents enjoy them on the Meet the Teacher night.
HANDS in class decorations
Just wanted to share's easy and quick...of course, you can make it as detailed as you want, too. It's definitely NOT my idea---I think it was in a Bulletin Board book years ago...For a Welcome Board (or anyplace in your classroom for that matter)"Meet our HANDSome Class" Most Ellison Press collections have a handprint... OR have the kiddos trace their own hand on different colored construction paper and write their name on the hand. You could put their picture on the hand, too
First Day Bulletin Board
It works really well for your opening bulletin board to have your kids names on a tree with apples or fall leaves with their names. You could add photos you take on the first day. I have a rocket ship with a few astronauts (for me an my assistant) and shooting stars for their names. I found it at the Teachers store on sale. I also like using the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree, with the letters of their first name and their photo. We do CCBB the first week. I've also used leaping frogs ("Welcome to our Pad") and scoops of ice cream ("A New Scoop of Grade Ones") on brown paper cones.
Would a rainbow work? Crayons? Balloons? ("Up Up and Away") Colored handprints? Drawings of yellow pencils ("One Sharp Bunch") with their names on? School busses, bugs, dinosaurs (A Roaring...
Open House - "Treasure Hunt"
Give the kids a list of things to show their parents in the room (class pet, their desk, etc...). The last thing on there is for them to find the treasure chest and it has a goody bag for each child (a few small things in it - piece of candy, pencil, eraser, homework pass, etc...).
Friday, September 05, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
To a special lady on mother’s day
Even though you're not my Mom
You’re there for me every day
You've given me love,
you’ve made me smile
You’re special in every way
Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me,
Thank you, Mother dear.
Acrostic poem with the word mother
some words you can put there- fantastic, amazing, sweet, wonderful..
Some presents

It's not really perceptible but it's a paper plate divided into "presents" to give to a mother.
Children can write a personal message to Mom that she'll keep forever in her special "message in a bottle."
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
acção de formação
Ensino do Inglês nos 1º e 2º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico – Formação de Professores 1ª edição da formação online destinada a professores que se encontram a leccionar Inglês nos 1º e 2º anos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no âmbito do Programa de Generalização das Actividades de Enriquecimento Curricular.
Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (3º e 4º anos) – Formação de Professores 3ª edição da formação online destinada a professores que se encontram a leccionar Inglês nos 3º e 4º anos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no âmbito do Programa de Generalização das Actividades de Enriquecimento Curricular.Não serão admitidos os candidatos que já frequentaram as 1.ª e 2ª Edições deste curso de formação.
Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (3º e 4º anos) – Formação de Professores 3ª edição da formação online destinada a professores que se encontram a leccionar Inglês nos 3º e 4º anos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no âmbito do Programa de Generalização das Actividades de Enriquecimento Curricular.Não serão admitidos os candidatos que já frequentaram as 1.ª e 2ª Edições deste curso de formação.
Make New Friends
Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
And the other gold,
A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend.
A fire burns bright,
it warms the heart.
We've been friends,
from the very start.
You have one hand,
I have the other.
Put them together,
We have each other.
Silver is precious,
Gold is too.
I am precious,
And so are you.
You help me,
And I'll help you.
And together,
We will see it through.
The sky is blue,
The Earth is green.
I can help,
To keep it clean.
Across the land,
Across the sea.
Friends forever,
We will always be.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Valentine's day - Friend's day
Stage 1: Introduction to Valentine's Day
Draw a large heart on the board and elicit the word 'heart'. Check pronunciation of the 'h' sound. Ask : 'What's the date today?' A :'The 14th of February.' Say : 'Today is a special day. Why?' Some may answer with no problem at all. Remeber you can replace 'today' with 'tomorrow' or on 'Saturday' etc.
Show the class a photo of yourself and stick it up on the board on the right hand side of the heart. Then show the class a photo of your mum, dad, other family member or a friend and stick it on the left hand side of the heart. This should grab their attention and arouse their interest through personalisation of the lesson. Explain that you love this person and today you send them a card, flowers, chocolate and a poem to show them that you love them because it's Valentine's Day. Write 'Valentine's Day' at the top of the board.
Stage 2: Word Find
This is to generate and share known vocabulary and is adapted from a game on the Kids' Domain website. The aim here is to lead into the subject of Valentine's Day through a fun and involved activity while looking at related words. This works better with more advanced levels as they have more vocabulary.
In the middle of your large heart write up a Valentines day related word such as: Valentine, Chocolate, Romance, Flowers etc. and ask the class to find as many little words as possible within the word in a two minute time limit. Example: ChocolateWords: late, at, ate, tea, cool, hat, hot, cat, coat...
You can split the class into teams of four students to increase the pace and excitement of the activity.Scoring: give points for each word found, extra points for longer words and extra points if the team is the only one to have found the word.
You will need to check pronunciation and meaning as they feedback with their words.
Stage 3: Roses are red
Introduce the poem:
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet.
And so are you.
Explain that anonymous means we don't know who wrote it. Wipe off the split in your heart from the board and the two words which demonstrated the previous activity. In its place write up the traditional Valentine's card love poem.
Drill the poem a few times touching the words on the board as you and the class say them.
Now wipe off one of the words e.g. red and continue to say the poem and pointing to the words remembering to point to the gap where the word 'red' was.
Then wipe off another word. This time it could be blue. Say the poem and point to the words and gaps where words were. Do this until there is no poem left just gaps. Your class will then be reciting the poem rather than reading it.
Now write the poem back onto the board. Better still get one of the students with the help of his/her classmates to write the poem back onto the board.
Now draw their attention to the fact that with 'Roses' and 'Violets' we use 'are' but with 'Sugar' we use 'is'.
Elicit from the class whether we use 'is' or 'are'. Apart from saying that in English some nouns use 'is' and some use 'are', you shouldn't develop this further today but they do need to know whether the nouns you've provided take 'is' or 'are' in order to write their poems.
Stage 4: Writing the poem
Ask the children to choose a friend in the class they would like to write a poem too. You can also suggest family members so they can take the poems home. The advantage of choosing someone in the class is the potential to distribute the poems and for them to have to read another poem.
You could put everyone's name into a hat and then they all pick a name of the person to write a poem to. This way you ensure that everybody has a poem. Make sure you're sensitive to their age. They may only want to write a poem to another girl and not a boy etc. You know them best so if need be work it so that you choose who they send the poem to.
Distribute a worksheet with a poem frame on it. eg
______ are ______
______ are ______
______ is ______
And ____ ____ ___
Do an example with them on the board using nouns in the first slots and colours in the second. Maybe if they are short of ideas you could suggest brainstorming suitable words so there is a word bank on the board otherwise they'll all be asking how to spell words, or sitting there doing nothing.
Remind them that lines 2 and 4 must rhyme or 'sound the same'. If they are struggling to write on their own or you anticipate that they may find it difficult, you could get them to do it in pairs.
Stage 5: Review
Distribute the envelopes.
Tell them to put the poem into an envelope and to put the person's name on the front.
Tell them that they mustn't write their name on the poem as it should be a secret or anonymous.
They could post the poems into a box and one of the pupils can be the postman and deliver them.
Get them to read out their poems.
They could vote on the best one. Remind them they are anonymous.
Adapted from
Draw a large heart on the board and elicit the word 'heart'. Check pronunciation of the 'h' sound. Ask : 'What's the date today?' A :'The 14th of February.' Say : 'Today is a special day. Why?' Some may answer with no problem at all. Remeber you can replace 'today' with 'tomorrow' or on 'Saturday' etc.
Show the class a photo of yourself and stick it up on the board on the right hand side of the heart. Then show the class a photo of your mum, dad, other family member or a friend and stick it on the left hand side of the heart. This should grab their attention and arouse their interest through personalisation of the lesson. Explain that you love this person and today you send them a card, flowers, chocolate and a poem to show them that you love them because it's Valentine's Day. Write 'Valentine's Day' at the top of the board.
Stage 2: Word Find
This is to generate and share known vocabulary and is adapted from a game on the Kids' Domain website. The aim here is to lead into the subject of Valentine's Day through a fun and involved activity while looking at related words. This works better with more advanced levels as they have more vocabulary.
In the middle of your large heart write up a Valentines day related word such as: Valentine, Chocolate, Romance, Flowers etc. and ask the class to find as many little words as possible within the word in a two minute time limit. Example: ChocolateWords: late, at, ate, tea, cool, hat, hot, cat, coat...
You can split the class into teams of four students to increase the pace and excitement of the activity.Scoring: give points for each word found, extra points for longer words and extra points if the team is the only one to have found the word.
You will need to check pronunciation and meaning as they feedback with their words.
Stage 3: Roses are red
Introduce the poem:
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet.
And so are you.
Explain that anonymous means we don't know who wrote it. Wipe off the split in your heart from the board and the two words which demonstrated the previous activity. In its place write up the traditional Valentine's card love poem.
Drill the poem a few times touching the words on the board as you and the class say them.
Now wipe off one of the words e.g. red and continue to say the poem and pointing to the words remembering to point to the gap where the word 'red' was.
Then wipe off another word. This time it could be blue. Say the poem and point to the words and gaps where words were. Do this until there is no poem left just gaps. Your class will then be reciting the poem rather than reading it.
Now write the poem back onto the board. Better still get one of the students with the help of his/her classmates to write the poem back onto the board.
Now draw their attention to the fact that with 'Roses' and 'Violets' we use 'are' but with 'Sugar' we use 'is'.
Elicit from the class whether we use 'is' or 'are'. Apart from saying that in English some nouns use 'is' and some use 'are', you shouldn't develop this further today but they do need to know whether the nouns you've provided take 'is' or 'are' in order to write their poems.
Stage 4: Writing the poem
Ask the children to choose a friend in the class they would like to write a poem too. You can also suggest family members so they can take the poems home. The advantage of choosing someone in the class is the potential to distribute the poems and for them to have to read another poem.
You could put everyone's name into a hat and then they all pick a name of the person to write a poem to. This way you ensure that everybody has a poem. Make sure you're sensitive to their age. They may only want to write a poem to another girl and not a boy etc. You know them best so if need be work it so that you choose who they send the poem to.
Distribute a worksheet with a poem frame on it. eg
______ are ______
______ are ______
______ is ______
And ____ ____ ___
Do an example with them on the board using nouns in the first slots and colours in the second. Maybe if they are short of ideas you could suggest brainstorming suitable words so there is a word bank on the board otherwise they'll all be asking how to spell words, or sitting there doing nothing.
Remind them that lines 2 and 4 must rhyme or 'sound the same'. If they are struggling to write on their own or you anticipate that they may find it difficult, you could get them to do it in pairs.
Stage 5: Review
Distribute the envelopes.
Tell them to put the poem into an envelope and to put the person's name on the front.
Tell them that they mustn't write their name on the poem as it should be a secret or anonymous.
They could post the poems into a box and one of the pupils can be the postman and deliver them.
Get them to read out their poems.
They could vote on the best one. Remind them they are anonymous.
Adapted from
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
The frog family
Lesson 1
listening for gist, relating words and actions, family vocabulary.
picture and word cards
1. Play a game to repeat family members:
"Stand up if you have a brother" "Sit down"
"Stand up if you have a baby sister" "Sit down"
"Stand up if you have one brother and two sisters" "Sit down"
2 Tell the children that you are going to tell them a story about the "Frog family"
3 Introduce the characters (Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Brother frog, Sister frog) and key words (leaf, pond) of the story with the support of picture and word cards
4 Repeat the words while holding up the picture cards. Let the children say the words after you in a chorus and let them put up the pictures on the board with the word card next to it
This is a story about Daddy frog,
It was hot – very, very hot,
And then – SPLASH – they all fell into the water!
5 Tell them the story using lots of gestures to make the meaning very clear
6 Ask the children in the foreign language what they understood of the story.
7 Tell the children that you are going to act out the story in the next English lesson.
Lesson 2
Involve children in storytelling
blue string or chalk to draw the pond on the floor, a big green paper for the leaf
1 Make an area of the classroom into a pond with string or chalk and put in
a large green paper for the leaf
2 Tell the children you are going to tell them the story again, but this time five
of them are going to be the Frog family. Ask for volunteers and line them up by the edge of the pond.
3 Tell the story again, and as each child hears their character they put up their hand. Encourage them to do the gestures with you as you tell the story. Also try to motivate them to tell the story with you. Tell the story with gaps and let the children fill these gaps. (e.g. "This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Brother frog, Sister frog and little Baby frog. Daddy frog was hot - very, very hot. And Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond. Mummy frog was hot – very, very hot. So Daddy frog said " Come here"! and so on)
4 So the other children can act out the story, divide the classroom into several ponds and the kids in groups of five. Tell the story again, while the children act it out in their group.
5 Let the children create a picture book, in which they can draw the frogs and write what they have understood. Hand out phrases of the story for children which are not able to write anything. They can glue or copy the phrases.
● create frog masks
● make a play for the other classes
listening for gist, relating words and actions, family vocabulary.
picture and word cards
1. Play a game to repeat family members:
"Stand up if you have a brother" "Sit down"
"Stand up if you have a baby sister" "Sit down"
"Stand up if you have one brother and two sisters" "Sit down"
2 Tell the children that you are going to tell them a story about the "Frog family"
3 Introduce the characters (Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Brother frog, Sister frog) and key words (leaf, pond) of the story with the support of picture and word cards
4 Repeat the words while holding up the picture cards. Let the children say the words after you in a chorus and let them put up the pictures on the board with the word card next to it
This is a story about Daddy frog,
Point to the pictures as you name the Mummy frog, Sister frog, Brother frogs and Baby frog
It was hot – very, very hot,
Wipe your forehead, and make "hot" gestures.
And Daddy frog
Point to the picture of Daddy frog and squat down beside the pond.
went jump, jump, jump and Jump three times sat on a leaf in the pond and
put the picture of Daddy frog on the picture of the leaf in the pond.
Mummy frog was hot – very, very hot.
Point to Mummy frog, squat by the pond and make "hot" gestures.
So Daddy frog said "Come here!"
Point to Daddy frog, return to the leaf, and beckon to Mummy frog
Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump,
Point to Mummy frog, squat by the and sat on the leaf in the pond. pond, and jump three times to put the picture of Mummy frog on the picture of the leaf by Daddy frog.
Do the same for the other characters....When ervybody is together...
And then – SPLASH – they all fell into the water!
Start to move backwards and forwards as if you were losing your balance and
let the frogs fall into the pond on the board.
let the frogs fall into the pond on the board.
5 Tell them the story using lots of gestures to make the meaning very clear
6 Ask the children in the foreign language what they understood of the story.
7 Tell the children that you are going to act out the story in the next English lesson.
Lesson 2
Involve children in storytelling
blue string or chalk to draw the pond on the floor, a big green paper for the leaf
1 Make an area of the classroom into a pond with string or chalk and put in
a large green paper for the leaf
2 Tell the children you are going to tell them the story again, but this time five
of them are going to be the Frog family. Ask for volunteers and line them up by the edge of the pond.
3 Tell the story again, and as each child hears their character they put up their hand. Encourage them to do the gestures with you as you tell the story. Also try to motivate them to tell the story with you. Tell the story with gaps and let the children fill these gaps. (e.g. "This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Brother frog, Sister frog and little Baby frog. Daddy frog was hot - very, very hot. And Daddy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on a leaf in the pond. Mummy frog was hot – very, very hot. So Daddy frog said " Come here"! and so on)
4 So the other children can act out the story, divide the classroom into several ponds and the kids in groups of five. Tell the story again, while the children act it out in their group.
5 Let the children create a picture book, in which they can draw the frogs and write what they have understood. Hand out phrases of the story for children which are not able to write anything. They can glue or copy the phrases.
● create frog masks
● make a play for the other classes
Sunday, January 20, 2008
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