taken from teachers' magazine
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
free worksheets about: abc and numbers
free worksheets about: abc and numbers
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
more stories
My brother Joey and I had just finished hanging our stockings by the fireplace one Christmas Eve, when the most disturbing thought crossed my mind.
"Joey!" I shrieked.
"Did you know that we forgot something?"
"No we didn't," said Joey crossly. "We've got both our stockings hung up. What could we possibly have forgotten?"
"We forgot the cookies," I explained to my seven year old brother, who happened to be older than me and who also happened to be more selfish than me.
"Cookies!" Joey laughed. "Why would you want to have cookies just before you go to bed?"
"They aren't for me silly," I declared. "They're for Santa Claus."
"Oh my!" Joey suddenly clued in. "Mom! Mom! We forgot to leave a snack for Santa! He'll never leave me the racing car set if we don't leave him a snack. How could we have forgotten something so important?"
Mommy came running into the family room. She had flour allover her face and in her hair. She looked very funny.
"Children!" she cried. "What is all this screaming about? I've got to finish my pies. This had better be important."
"Oh Mommy," I said very seriously. "We forgot something."
"Now Missy," Mommy said, a bit impatiently. "What did we forget?"
"We forgot Santa's snack," Joey and I cried in unison.
"Oh my!" sighed Mommy. "Santa's snack! How did we ever forget that? Come on children, let's go into the kitchen."
Joey and I followed Mommy into the kitchen. We both sat down at the table while she got out the milk and poured Santa a big heaping glass full. Then she went to the pantry to get the cookie jar and she set it on the table.
"Now," said Mommy. "You two each pick out a cookie for Santa and put them on the saucer."
I let Joey pick out the first cookie. Very carefully, he took the lid off the ceramic jar and set it on the table. He reached deep into the jar and then he let out the loudest scream that we had ever heard.
"There are no more cookies left!" he cried.
"That's impossible!" Mommy said, as she picked up the cookie jar and examined it. "I just baked a fresh batch this afternoon. Where could they be? Who stole the Christmas cookies?"
Just then, Daddy walked into the kitchen. He had a plate full of Christmas cookies in one hand and an empty glass in the other.
"I just came up to get another drink of milk," he said as he walked over to the refrigerator. "These cookies are really great!"
Mommy dropped the cookie jar onto the floor.
"No!" she cried. "Don't eat those cookies! We need them for Santa Claus!"
Daddy gladly gave up his cookies for such a worthwhile cause when he saw the look of anguish on our faces. Joey and I put the cookies on the table beside the glass of milk and then we went to bed to dream of sugar plums, Santa Claus and those cookies, all night long.
another story...find it at
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?
The repetition and colorful illustrations in this classic picture book by Bill Martin Jr, make it a favorite of many children. On each page, we meet a new animal who helps us discover which creature will show up next. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? I see a redbird looking at me...". This pattern is repeated over and over, until the pre-reader can join in with the reader, easily predicting the next lines. Giggles and raised eyebrows will accompany the story as the animals become stranger and stranger (a purple cat!?).
useful links
Animal Movements
Have the chidren pretend and move around the room like the animals in the story: Fly like a bird, Crawl like a dog, Pound feet and stomp around like a bear, Swim like a fish, Gallop like a horse, Quack like a duck.
Have the chidren pretend and move around the room like the animals in the story: Fly like a bird, Crawl like a dog, Pound feet and stomp around like a bear, Swim like a fish, Gallop like a horse, Quack like a duck.
Color Hunt
Give story cards to small groups of children or individual children. Give each group a pad of paper (3 pages) and a crayon the color of their story card. Have the children go on a color hunt. Each group is to find three things in the room that is the color of their story card. When the object is found the children are to draw the found object on one of the pages of their color hunt pads.
The children can also write the name or pretend to write the name of the object under the pictures. Call the children back to the circle and each group may then share what they found.
Give story cards to small groups of children or individual children. Give each group a pad of paper (3 pages) and a crayon the color of their story card. Have the children go on a color hunt. Each group is to find three things in the room that is the color of their story card. When the object is found the children are to draw the found object on one of the pages of their color hunt pads.
The children can also write the name or pretend to write the name of the object under the pictures. Call the children back to the circle and each group may then share what they found.
Brown Bear Tour
Before children arrive hide pictures of all the animals in the story around the school (cafeteria, office, bathroom, music room, ect...). After reading the story tell the children that the animals from the story came to visit the school only they are hiding and everyone has to help find them.
Retell the story as you walk around the building finding each animal. As you find each animal introduce the children to the area and the people in that area.
If possible when each story card is found take a picture of the children in that area with the story card. Place the pictures in your room or make a big book of the pictures for the class.
Before children arrive hide pictures of all the animals in the story around the school (cafeteria, office, bathroom, music room, ect...). After reading the story tell the children that the animals from the story came to visit the school only they are hiding and everyone has to help find them.
Retell the story as you walk around the building finding each animal. As you find each animal introduce the children to the area and the people in that area.
If possible when each story card is found take a picture of the children in that area with the story card. Place the pictures in your room or make a big book of the pictures for the class.
Teddy Bear Action Song and Movements
Sing this song and act out the movements:
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, brush your hair.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear say goodnight!
Sing this song and act out the movements:
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, brush your hair.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn off the light.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear say goodnight!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Let's play...
1. Jump the line
The numbers
The alphabet
Place a piece of string on the floor of the classroom. Ask the students to stand in a line on top of the string. The teacher stands in front of the students, facing them.
She calls out a letter or a number and the students jump to the left or the right and step back in the line, before the next letter/number is called out.
A letter = jump to the right
A number = jump to the left
Students, who jump to the wrong side, are out and make their own line behind the teacher and take turns in calling out a letter or a number.
2. Number-alphabet lottery
The numbers
The alphabet
Put s on number 11.
A copy of the number board for each student.
A set of cards with the alphabet for each student
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
q r s t
u v w x
y z
The teacher tells the students, where to put the letters on the number board and put the letters on an OHP (Projector switched off)
Teacher: Put D on number 19
Put T on number 2
When the board is full, switch on the projector, and let the students compare their board with the teacher's board.
When the students know what to do, let them work in pairs.
The numbers
The alphabet
Place a piece of string on the floor of the classroom. Ask the students to stand in a line on top of the string. The teacher stands in front of the students, facing them.
She calls out a letter or a number and the students jump to the left or the right and step back in the line, before the next letter/number is called out.
A letter = jump to the right
A number = jump to the left
Students, who jump to the wrong side, are out and make their own line behind the teacher and take turns in calling out a letter or a number.
2. Number-alphabet lottery
The numbers
The alphabet
Put s on number 11.
A copy of the number board for each student.
A set of cards with the alphabet for each student
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
q r s t
u v w x
y z
The teacher tells the students, where to put the letters on the number board and put the letters on an OHP (Projector switched off)
Teacher: Put D on number 19
Put T on number 2
When the board is full, switch on the projector, and let the students compare their board with the teacher's board.
When the students know what to do, let them work in pairs.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
halloween crafts
You will need:
Black paper
Black paper
Black wool
Draw around both hands with fingers spread out and thumbs tight against index fingers.
Cut out the hands and glue them together so that the palms form the spider’s body and the fingers it’s legs.
Glue on the wiggle eyes. Make a small hole through the centre of the body. Thread the wool through the hole and tie into a knot.
Hang them from doorways to scare people as they come through!
Draw around both hands with fingers spread out and thumbs tight against index fingers.
Cut out the hands and glue them together so that the palms form the spider’s body and the fingers it’s legs.
Glue on the wiggle eyes. Make a small hole through the centre of the body. Thread the wool through the hole and tie into a knot.
Hang them from doorways to scare people as they come through!
For those who are teaching hours...a smiley clock
Some ideas:
- say a time and students have to put the clock hands in the right position
- you can try a TPR activity. Each student puts the time he wants and them you name a time and the students who have it, stand up.
- another thing you can do is ask students to make their schedule drawing clocks and writing the time, for example the time they arrive school, time they have lunch, time they have english classes, time they go home.... and so on
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
teaching numbers....tune - do you remember Freddy Krueger...that's it :P
One Two
Just say boo
Three four
Touch the floor
Five Six
Wiggle your hips
Seven Eight
Just say boo
Three four
Touch the floor
Five Six
Wiggle your hips
Seven Eight
Stand up straight
Nine Ten
Count Again
Nine Ten
Count Again
Sunday, September 30, 2007
some games...few resources
A turma é dividida em dois grupos.
- Cada aluno do primeiro grupo fixa um objecto /flashcard à sua escolha. Os elementos do outro grupo são observadores.
. A um som determinado cada um vai caminhar em direcção a esse ponto, em linha recta e sem desviar o olhar.
. Quando o som parar, fica em estátua, fixando o ponto escolhido; os colegas vão descobrir o ponto que cada um escolheu.
. Agora inverte-se o jogo o grupo observador actua enquanto o outro observa.
Jogo do telefone
- As crianças dispostas em duas filas indianas, de costas para a professora.
- A professora diz uma palavra ou mostra uma imagem ao último da fila que depois diz a palavra á criança que está á sua frente e sucessivamente até chegar ao primeiro da fila que poderá só dizer a palavra ou escreve-la no quadro
O que desapareceu?
- Colar flashcards no quadro e deixar os alunos olhar para eles durante alguns minutos.
- Depois pede-se aos alunos que fechem os olhos e o professor tira um dos flashcards. Quando abrirem os olhos têm de adivinhar e dizer o nome do flashcard que falta.
Olhos Mágicos
- Colocar flashcards /imagens/ objectos e dizer o nome deles várias vezes pela ordem como estão. Utilizar vários tons de voz.
- Retirar flashcards /imagens/ objectos e os alunos têm de repetir os nomes como se as coisas ainda lá estivessem.
- Colar flashcards nas paredes por toda a sala (pode também utilizar objectos).
- Dividir a turma em grupos.
- Dar instruções: ex. grupo número 1 saltar até ao leão, caminhar até ao nº 1
- Colar cartas no quadro com a imagem voltada para o quadro.
- Numerar as colunas com números e as linhas com letras.
- Cada criança pertence a uma equipa. E tem de pedir duas cartas.
- O objectivo do jogo é tentar encontrar pares (imagens iguais ou imagem e palavra)
Listen and Point
- Mostrar imagens aos alunos e depois cola-las por toda a sala.
- O professor diz uma palavra e os alunos têm de apontar para a imagem.
Fly swatter
- Colar ou escrever as palavras yes/ no no quadro. (caso os alunos não saibam ler colocar smiles)
- O professor mostra uma imagem e diz uma palavra. Se disser algo certo os alunos batem com mata-moscas na palavra yes. Se dizer algo falso os alunos devem bater com o mata-moscas na palavra não.
(este jogo é semelhante ao yes/no lines. Os alunos colocam-se numa linha. Se o professor disser algo verdadeiro saltam para o lado do yes se disser algo falso saltam para o lado do não)
Simon says
- Neste jogo os alunos têm de seguir as instruções do professor. Mas apenas quando ele diz simon says…
Simon says…
Go to sleep; turn around; stand up, sit down; Brush your hair; Swim in the sea, stretch your arm, touch your nose…
Tower game
- Necessitam de jogo de dominó.
- Para verificar a aquisição de vocabulário, o professor divide a turma em grupos. Faz perguntas e quando uma equipa responde correcto coloca uma peça de dominó para construir a sua torre. No fim ganha a equipa que tiver a torre mais alta.
Pass the ball
- Ao som de música os alunos vão passando uma bola ( que pode até ser uma bola de papel, meias….).
- Quando a música para o aluno que tem a bola tem de responder a uma pergunta. Se errar perde.
Straw game
- O professor espalha palavras ou imagens em pequenos papéis no chão ou em cima de uma mesa.
- Chama dois alunos e diz uma palavra.
- Os alunos têm de encontrar a palavra e levá-la até ao lado oposto da sala com a ajuda da palhinha apenas e sem tocar com as mãos.
Jogo do lencinho
- Igual ao jogo tradicional português. Cada aluno pode ser um número, uma cor, uma letra do alfabeto, um animal…
- Com a turma dividida em duas equipas, o professor diz uma palavra e as pessoas que ficaram com essa palavra devem tentar apanhar o lenço.
- Um aluno finge que escreve/desenha nas costas do outro e este tem de adivinhar o que é
- Com os olhos vendados os alunos tiram de um saco um objecto e através do tacto têm de adivinhar o que é.
- O professor dita e os alunos têm de desenhar ou pintar
p. ex. draw one sol ; Colour the sol com Yellow
Join together
- O professor diz um número e os alunos têm de se agrupar com o nº de elementos que o professor disse.
- Os alunos desenham alguma coisa no quadro e os outros têm de adivinhar o que é.
Hangman (Jogo da forca)
A turma é dividida em dois grupos.
- Cada aluno do primeiro grupo fixa um objecto /flashcard à sua escolha. Os elementos do outro grupo são observadores.
. A um som determinado cada um vai caminhar em direcção a esse ponto, em linha recta e sem desviar o olhar.
. Quando o som parar, fica em estátua, fixando o ponto escolhido; os colegas vão descobrir o ponto que cada um escolheu.
. Agora inverte-se o jogo o grupo observador actua enquanto o outro observa.
Jogo do telefone
- As crianças dispostas em duas filas indianas, de costas para a professora.
- A professora diz uma palavra ou mostra uma imagem ao último da fila que depois diz a palavra á criança que está á sua frente e sucessivamente até chegar ao primeiro da fila que poderá só dizer a palavra ou escreve-la no quadro
O que desapareceu?
- Colar flashcards no quadro e deixar os alunos olhar para eles durante alguns minutos.
- Depois pede-se aos alunos que fechem os olhos e o professor tira um dos flashcards. Quando abrirem os olhos têm de adivinhar e dizer o nome do flashcard que falta.
Olhos Mágicos
- Colocar flashcards /imagens/ objectos e dizer o nome deles várias vezes pela ordem como estão. Utilizar vários tons de voz.
- Retirar flashcards /imagens/ objectos e os alunos têm de repetir os nomes como se as coisas ainda lá estivessem.
- Colar flashcards nas paredes por toda a sala (pode também utilizar objectos).
- Dividir a turma em grupos.
- Dar instruções: ex. grupo número 1 saltar até ao leão, caminhar até ao nº 1
- Colar cartas no quadro com a imagem voltada para o quadro.
- Numerar as colunas com números e as linhas com letras.
- Cada criança pertence a uma equipa. E tem de pedir duas cartas.
- O objectivo do jogo é tentar encontrar pares (imagens iguais ou imagem e palavra)
Listen and Point
- Mostrar imagens aos alunos e depois cola-las por toda a sala.
- O professor diz uma palavra e os alunos têm de apontar para a imagem.
Fly swatter
- Colar ou escrever as palavras yes/ no no quadro. (caso os alunos não saibam ler colocar smiles)
- O professor mostra uma imagem e diz uma palavra. Se disser algo certo os alunos batem com mata-moscas na palavra yes. Se dizer algo falso os alunos devem bater com o mata-moscas na palavra não.
(este jogo é semelhante ao yes/no lines. Os alunos colocam-se numa linha. Se o professor disser algo verdadeiro saltam para o lado do yes se disser algo falso saltam para o lado do não)
Simon says
- Neste jogo os alunos têm de seguir as instruções do professor. Mas apenas quando ele diz simon says…
Simon says…
Go to sleep; turn around; stand up, sit down; Brush your hair; Swim in the sea, stretch your arm, touch your nose…
Tower game
- Necessitam de jogo de dominó.
- Para verificar a aquisição de vocabulário, o professor divide a turma em grupos. Faz perguntas e quando uma equipa responde correcto coloca uma peça de dominó para construir a sua torre. No fim ganha a equipa que tiver a torre mais alta.
Pass the ball
- Ao som de música os alunos vão passando uma bola ( que pode até ser uma bola de papel, meias….).
- Quando a música para o aluno que tem a bola tem de responder a uma pergunta. Se errar perde.
Straw game
- O professor espalha palavras ou imagens em pequenos papéis no chão ou em cima de uma mesa.
- Chama dois alunos e diz uma palavra.
- Os alunos têm de encontrar a palavra e levá-la até ao lado oposto da sala com a ajuda da palhinha apenas e sem tocar com as mãos.
Jogo do lencinho
- Igual ao jogo tradicional português. Cada aluno pode ser um número, uma cor, uma letra do alfabeto, um animal…
- Com a turma dividida em duas equipas, o professor diz uma palavra e as pessoas que ficaram com essa palavra devem tentar apanhar o lenço.
- Um aluno finge que escreve/desenha nas costas do outro e este tem de adivinhar o que é
- Com os olhos vendados os alunos tiram de um saco um objecto e através do tacto têm de adivinhar o que é.
- O professor dita e os alunos têm de desenhar ou pintar
p. ex. draw one sol ; Colour the sol com Yellow
Join together
- O professor diz um número e os alunos têm de se agrupar com o nº de elementos que o professor disse.
- Os alunos desenham alguma coisa no quadro e os outros têm de adivinhar o que é.
Hangman (Jogo da forca)
International House Lisbon
1º Ciclo
Sessions on Wednesdays
October 31st
Cross Curricular ApproachesWe will look at ways of incorporating sujects such as maths, geography, science and history in the younger learner classroom, in other words, Content Based Teaching.
November 28th
Fantasy and ImaginationAn unlimited supply of ideas and creativity is to be found inside the heads of our learners. How can we tap this valuable resource to the full and really get their creative juices juices flowing?
December 12th
Chunking and Extended ProductionColours, numbers and animals are all fairly common lexical areas but they tend to require single-item production. We will look at this area and ways of encouraging our learners to produce longer stretches of language.
January 23rd
Geting the energy rightAn exploration of how to get the right amount of settle and stir in the classroom. Recipes for the well-balanced class which maximise children's energy but also help them focus.
February 27th
Craft Children often enjoy making things in class. Ideas for language lessons built around the idea of making crafts with children.
March 5th
Total Physical Response Fun and original ways to get children using physical movement to aid learning and make English more memorable.
April 23rd
Correction Do children mind being corrected? We will look at how to vary correction and yet use it systematically with a view to avoiding mistakes before they become fossilised and, therefore, harder to deal with.
May 2nd
The SeasideSummer approaches and our learners start thinking about the beach and holidays. Why not use this to our advantage in the classroom? Ideas for language learning based on this theme.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
nice thought :)
"Ser bom professor consiste em adivinhar a maneira de levar os alunos a estar interessados; a não se lembrarem de que lá fora é melhor."
Sebastião da Gama
Sebastião da Gama
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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